Dermalize Retail Packs incl. 5 film Sheets 15 x 10 cm
Product.Nr.: 587-11
Manufacturer: D-LIZE srl Italien
product description
Dermalize PRO roll includes 15 cm x 10 m of Dermalize Protective Tattoo Film. The roll of Dermalize PRO will cover an estimated 60-80 medium-sized tattoos.
Dermalize is available for professional tattoo artists in DERMALIZE PRO format (roll includes 10mt x 15cm), ideal for the first application after finishing the tattoo.
Dermalize Protective Tattoo Film is a latex-free breathable film, made of polyurethane and hypoallergenic acrylic glue. It is registered as a medical device of class I with the Italian Ministry of Health (Reg. 2366877/R e 2366878/R) , as well as with the American FDA (Food & Drugs Administration).
Each individual package of Dermalize includes 5 pre-cut sheets of 15x10cm
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: D-LIZE srl ItalienE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Calle Merlato 4
ZIP Code: 34073
City: Grado (Go)
Phone: +39 (0) 1159160314