Sunskin Tattoo Maschine Big V Evolution Handled

Art.Nr.: 135-1

Hersteller: Sunskin Tattoo Equipment

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  • Sofort versandfähig Sofort versandfähig
  • Sofort versandfähig
  • Art.Nr.: 135-1
  • Gewicht 0,35 kg

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As variation of the classic Paul Roger machine, Big V is appreciated for its simple and clean frame style. All models are obtained from a single block of metal.
Hand made coils are assembled in our workshop reeling copper wire (OFC) on bakelite spools.
The price list includes machine customization with coil illustrations.
All binding posts are made of copper and the contact screw is made of 825 silver.

Our calibrated springs are made of high-quality carbon steel.
Each tattoo machine can be assembled and set up for lining, shading or solid color.

Frame made of brass with exclusive Sunskin finish.

Each tattoo machine can be assembled and set up for lining, shading or solid color. The mechanical part makes the difference.
The liner has 10 wrap coils while the shader and color machine has 12 wrap coils.
Several combinations of springs and armature bars together with coils are crucial to obtain the different tunings.
The version 14W XXX has powered 14 wraps coils that combined with a specific set up allow the use of big magnum needles.

- Frame resized and lightened, obtained from a single block of brass
- Hand made coils are assembled in our workshop reeling copper wire (OFC) on bakelite spools.
- All binding posts are made of copper, and the contact screw is made of 825 silver
- Our calibrated springs are made of high-quality carbon steel.
- New tube-vise closing system
- New back spring lock plate
- New rear binding post (innovative clip cord lock)for the best electric contact
- Weight: 260 gr. approx


* Den Zusatz “Verifizierter Kauf” erhalten nur Bewertungen, die von Käufern abgegeben wurden, die das Produkt in diesem Shop gekauft haben. mehr


Name: Sunskin Tattoo Equipment
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Stadt: Latina LT
Land: IT
Telefonnummer: +39 0773 63 60 92